Rocky Mountain Turkeys

I didn’t intend to use the backside of a turkey for a headliner, but you never know what you’ll find in the nature. I’d gone to shoot landscapes, ice laden lakes, and snow covered mountains, but wild turkeys were the gift I was given. It was a delightful morning at Rocky Mountain National Park, a cold and beautiful dawn that I will long remember. What are some of your unusual animal sightings in our national parks?RBT_2612-HDRRBT_2349RBT_2289RBT_2379RBT_2029RBT_2200RBT_1887RBT_2479RBT_2161

8 thoughts on “Rocky Mountain Turkeys

  1. I’d forgotten all about this, but we saw a flock of turkeys in CO around Easter. We’re used to seeing them here in NW NC, and it was odd to see them there! We also saw a bighorn sheep with yellow caution tape wrapped around its neck. This was not in a park, though… So in a park, hmmmmm, I guess the oddest thing we’ve seen was a family of tourists chasing a bear cub in Yellowstone.

  2. Pingback: Rocky Mountain Turkeys — nomadruss in words and photos – Welcome to the World of Ekasringa Avatar!

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