Caddo Lake

Early morning, Caddo Lake

After having traveled to the most well known places in the United States, some favorite places multiple times, I decided to find some lesser-known places to explore and photograph. I was heading back home to Alabama and realized that I’d be passing through the swamplands of the South. I’d driven across some swamplands and always wanted to explore them and decided that this was the time. After doing some research I decided upon Caddo Lake which lies across the Texas-Louisiana border. There was a state park in the area where I could camp, and just enough culture that I found intriguing. There is something about a place called Uncertain, Texas. I was as fascinated by the people as I was by the land.

An old sign welcoming visitors to Uncertain, Texas and Caddo Lake
Locals gather on the porch at Johnson’s Ranch Marina
Lighthouse Bar and Grill in Uncertain, Texas

I spent a couple of days out on a canoe photographing in a place called Shady Glade, and then was fortunate to meet Captain Danny Sullivan of Mudport on Taylor Island who gives backwater tours on Caddo Lake. You can look him up on Instagram, and I’d highly recommend him. The following images are a combination from my time in a canoe and time out with Captain Danny.

Bald cypress are among my favorite trees on the planet and I decided to time my trip for when the fall colors would be at peak. Mid November proved to be fortuitous for me.

Boathouse near Johnson’s Ranch Marina
Morning Reflections
Full Moon sets over the Bald cypress
Bald cypress in autumn array
Cormorants on Bald Cypress beneath the full moon
Great egret searching for fish in the swamp
Dr Suess would be proud
Moody mornings in the swamp

So if you’re tired of the over crowded national parks, look for some of the lesser known places in our country, there are some amazing hidden gems to be found out there. Thanks for visiting, Russ

18 thoughts on “Caddo Lake

  1. What a moody and magical series. I was stunned by some of the compositions you were able to capture within the frame and of course, the Autumn (Fall) colour was magnificent. Loved the Full Moon with the Bald Cypress shot – such unusual light.

    Lovely to see you back online or did I miss some posts in all the months I was offline post surgery(s) last year?

  2. Those are some really great photos, Russ. I am forever fascinated by autumn colors for they are something I can’t find in my tropical home. Your timing to visit this lake was absolutely perfect!

  3. My heart is warm with childhood memories seeing your photographs. Throughout the 80s and early 90s, my grandmother had a camp house in Uncertain. I believe it was the third private property on the left, past the Lighthouse.

    There’s a mystifying beauty that surrounds Caddo and Big Cypress Bayou and you have captured it superbly.

    Thank you sharing our uniquely special place hidden in such a big world.

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